your touch your touch is so hotthe air is so coldi want you a lotmy senses unfold your touch is so hotthe air is so coldthis thing that you’ve goti thrill to behold your touch is so hotthe air is so coldour passion is notashamed to be bold your touch is so hotthe air...
You Don’t Stand a Chance, Valentine I’m greedyI’m taking overBlanketing everyone and everythingI’m ravenousAnd content, cocky, in chargeI can’t get enoughOf youAnd you and you and youI’m unstoppable, covetousI’m unable to be containedI’m moving, swirlingAlways running...
vivid blue see you in a vivid bluehear you as a funky tunetaste you swirling deep fonduetouch you soft and strong and true feel you as caressing breezesense you as the best of sleazemight surprise you with a teasewant to sting you and to please whirling twirling...
valentine to my dear valentines, i love you for your searchingi love you for your uncertaintyi love you for your feelingsi love you for your intelligencei love you for your frustrationsi love you for your laughteri love you for your angeri love you for sharing this...
tumbling thoughts of you come tumbling downjostle my balance all around towncarrying smiles with secret allureplaces within me starting to purr wondering wondrousness who might you bethrilled with the fact that your form is a heyearning to know and to see and to...
take your time take your time my favored thoughttake me at your leisureravish my exuberancelanguish in this pleasure you’ve here arrived inside my headand i am yours to pondernow cross the path where passion ledthat’s ever winding fonder no rush at all should cause...
ribbons last night so softly as i sleptand thought that i was dreamingin my bed silently you creptand wound around my seeming deep and deep in dreams as i wentdown in my self and belowoceans’ comfort, visions and scentthrashed my body and pillow between the worlds of...
red red is wants to turn into fuchsiaand be hot and shy at the same is a BIG is juice dripping down chins and fingersand slurping laughing crying jumpingrude beyond is sandwiched betweencontrol and patience,light and
my imperfect life this is my imperfect lifehow i love my imperfect lifehow my imperfect life moves memoves through memoves for memoves with mechallenges meteaches meto accept the imperfections and challenges of othersto be gentle with our stumblingswe are wearywe are...
love rhythms for gabrielle dancing through worldsyou show me howi don’t feel readyyou say it’s now dancing to seethis life’s a dreamtime to wake upyour soul’s sunbeam dancing to besimple and trueyour feet quick guidepaths that renew dancing to feelnever aloneever...
love powerful brinkleading to meexpansive viewforever free i am for youi am for mesimple new breathforever free love with no bindrips through my veinswitness my tearskissing my pain rich inner lifeblooms in my heartburns me with loveradiant start love is the forcecalm...
like like water on a desert islandlike lotion on a sunburnlike sleep after an all-nighterlike spaghetti after a fastlike chocolate cake and ice cream (after a diet)like real whipped cream after the cheap stufflike the first bite of steaming popovers at brunchlike...
life balls your bitter bite emits sweet savoryour cold wind blows warm glowyour distraction clears room to seekyour fear unearths courage turn the balls of life’s experience disdain eases to attention,to curiosity, then willingness,to abandon, joy, love and freedom....