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Branding | UX design | 360.

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A user experience design approach.

User experience design (UX design) refers to creating products and services that provide meaningful and personally relevant experiences.

Typically, UX design is discussed in relation to products and apps where people interact with a product.

I’m a natural UX designer for brands, meaning that I can’t help but look at your business from the point of view of how a visitor will take it in. I consider how all the pieces fit together to create the full experience.

I consider the “Why, What, and How” of your product or service’s uses. “Why” is the motivation; “what” addresses functionality and “how” is the way the what is expressed: its specific design aesthetic. My approach to your brand creation begins with what lies beneath the surface and carries through a product or service’s real value all the way to the beautiful exterior. This is my strength.

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

This expression — which came to me through my religion major — is never more true than in a successful brand. A powerful brand uses common elements with a vitality that continually renews itself. It keeps customers coming back for more because it’s both reliable and surprising.

360: From Vision to Brand to Clients

360 (as in degrees) is an advertising industry term for marketing that encompass full aspects of a company / brand. For projects you see here, I created online and offline materials, social media identities and more.

I’ve developed a process to look at the full picture of your business and brand. Many entrepreneurs basically are their brand; however, a larger firm may contain multiple brands.

For each brand, we’ll ask: Who are your people? What’s your path? What’s the payoff you provide?

We get these answers through Defining these elements is key to your success and fun. It influences everything that follows, from your logo to your copy to the products you create.

Many businesses neglect to focus on this clarity and then wonder why their profits aren’t so clear. I’ll help you clear off confusion.

How Do We Choose?

There’s an art to the way people make choices. Too many choices and people zone out. Too few and people are under-served. The right amount and you’re in the zone.

The way you present your brand is all about choices. Where do you show up? What are your vehicles? How often do you send e-mailings out? Do you present everything you offer at once or dole it out? I can help you make smart choices for your audience.

Your Brand is
an Invitation

What does your brand invite people to do, to feel, to experience, to embrace?

Like people, brands contain complex elements. And like people, a harmonious package makes a brand work well.

A well-branded company has thought through how all materials, products and services are presented as a whole.

Your brand has a personality, a style, a way of doing things. It’s the way all elements that represent your product or service come together, complement each other and show themselves to your customers. It makes sense that a brand is also referred to as an identity.

A brand is specific. You’re not aiming to talk to everyone. You’re aiming to talk to your specific, ideal audience. That’s how you create a branding home run.

Your visual style

Your brand is conveyed visually in color, type, shape, texture, approach. It starts with a powerful logo

Your visual style is the first impact many people receive. Are you clean, romantic, architectural, sweet, soft, playful, artistic or eclectic? Your visual style is a chance to have fun. I love helping you express yourself through your brand.

Color, shape, texture, the size of materials and other visual and tactile elements are considered. Type treatments, packaging and signage work together. A branded campaign extends to anything and anywhere a product is seen or experienced.

How you sound

Your business’ essence is also conveyed in the words you use and the way you convey those words. What approach do you choose: funny, offbeat, traditional, simple, smart or something else? It all adds up to the impression you give.

I love words. Your words deserve “white space” just like your designs. They need air. This applies to spoken and written communication.

Where you show up

Our work will consider how you appear in all circumstances whether through your site, brochures, advertising, business cards, signage etc. This can extend to radio, exhibition design and furnishings. The more thought out, the better job can be done to plan for expansion and keeping your brand flexible and alive.

The way you do things

What you stand for is also conveyed by the way you do things — events you create, the frequency and methods you use to approach your customers and more. What informs those choices is the clarity of your vision.

Any person or business who presents themselves to the world has a brand, no matter how well or poorly thought through that impression is.

 Among the most talented and versatile resources we’ve had the pleasure of calling upon…

Katie’s among the most talented and versatile resources we’ve had the pleasure of calling upon. Katie brings an elegant design sense to communication material that’s rare; it significantly increases the effectiveness of the work. Katie does outstanding work. I couldn’t recommend Katie more highly.”

— John Zweig, CEO
WPP Group, NYC

The Art of Play

I specialize in brands that play. Turns out play is as fundamental to life as food and sleep. Most of us have had the experience of being happily involved in a task that feels effortless. I believe that imbuing your systems with the spirit of inventive play is the magic mixture that creates greatness. I take your playing seriously.

Great Systems

So how do you combine a playful spirit with concerted goals? With a cunning plan. Plans pulled together create formulated systems. Well-designed systems are key to realizing your goals. Your brand is its own system.

From simple concepts like putting a goal in writing and placing it on a calendar to complex strategies with sub-systems, creating plans that set our dreams in motion is what makes all things come to fruition.

Keeping Your
Brand Relevant

When your look may have become outdated, as with a logo, it’s important to keep in mind the recognition factor built up in customers’ minds. So updating is trickier than it may at first seem. This is part of the exercise: to consider your objectives, clients and heritage and to express these in a simple, visually appealing format that captures the attention of your desired customers.

I design, write and set up technology you need to share your message beautifully and relevantly for your audience. See client list for who I’ve helped.

Wanna wake up happy every day?

You need work you love. I can help with that.

Book a consultation to get started!


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