life balls
your bitter bite emits sweet savor
your cold wind blows warm glow
your distraction clears room to seek
your fear unearths courage
turn the balls of life’s experience
disdain eases to attention,
to curiosity, then willingness,
to abandon, joy, love and freedom.
turn another life ball
confusion creeps to refusal, to stubbornness,
resistance, lack, distraction,
to maybe, why not, possibility,
attempt, interest, refinement, expertise.
you and i are everything.
and still specific.
so now. i can forgive you. i can forgive me.
i can love you.
© Katie | Embodyart
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Local Color • International Reach
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©Designed with love
featured rugs by Embodyart
Local Color • International Reach
Based in da Bronx.
You got a problem with that?
Serving you internationally.
Finish smart.