like water on a desert island
like lotion on a sunburn
like sleep after an all-nighter
like spaghetti after a fast
like chocolate cake and ice cream (after a diet)
like real whipped cream after the cheap stuff
like the first bite of steaming popovers at brunch
like diving in fresh pillows after a long day
like mint and ice cubes in 95º weather
like the first sip of a superior wine
like the moon rippling on a patent leather river
like the brush of soft fur on my skin
like the burn of hard liquor going through me
like a sea of possibilities
is kissing you
© Katie | Embodyart
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©Designed with love | featured rugs by Embodyart
Local Color • International Reach
Based in da Bronx. You got a problem with that?
Serving you internationally.
©Designed with love
featured rugs by Embodyart
Local Color • International Reach
Based in da Bronx.
You got a problem with that?
Serving you internationally.
Finish smart.