red is blatant.
red wants to turn into fuchsia
and be hot and shy at the same time.
red is a BIG woman.
red is juice dripping down chins and fingers
and slurping laughing crying jumping
rude beyond belief.
red is sandwiched between
control and patience,
light and dark.
red burns through my heart
and bursts into love for everyone
big and messy and free.
© Katie | Embodyart
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©Designed with love | featured rugs by Embodyart
Local Color • International Reach
Based in da Bronx. You got a problem with that?
Serving you internationally.
©Designed with love
featured rugs by Embodyart
Local Color • International Reach
Based in da Bronx.
You got a problem with that?
Serving you internationally.
Finish smart.

Super simple 90-day planning tool.
Caution: Leads to focus and “internal decluttering.”
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