You Don’t Stand a Chance, Valentine

I’m greedy
I’m taking over
Blanketing everyone and everything
I’m ravenous
And content, cocky, in charge
I can’t get enough
Of you
And you and you and you
I’m unstoppable, covetous
I’m unable to be contained
I’m moving, swirling
Always running to catch you
I’m expanding, multiplying
Sneaking around every corner
I can find you wherever you go
I see you in the dark
I never sleep
I’m always ready for you
You might as well accept
I’m out to get you
You don’t stand a chance
Against me
Come willing or reluctant
It doesn’t matter
I’m love
And love always wins

© Katie | Embodyart

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©Designed with love | featured rugs by Katie + Embodyart 

Local Color • International Reach

Based in da Bronx. You got a problem with that?

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©Designed with love
featured rugs by Embodyart 

Local Color • International Reach

Based in da Bronx.
You got a problem with that?

Serving you internationally.

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Super simple 90-day planning tool.

Caution: Leads to focus and “internal decluttering.”


Super simple 90-day planning tool.

Caution: Leads to focus
and “internal decluttering.”