your touch
your touch is so hot
the air is so cold
i want you a lot
my senses unfold
your touch is so hot
the air is so cold
this thing that you’ve got
i thrill to behold
your touch is so hot
the air is so cold
our passion is not
ashamed to be bold
your touch is so hot
the air is so cold
i feel it a lot
deep pleasure foretold
© Katie | Embodyart
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©Designed with love | featured rugs by Embodyart
Local Color • International Reach
Based in da Bronx. You got a problem with that?
Serving you internationally.
©Designed with love
featured rugs by Embodyart
Local Color • International Reach
Based in da Bronx.
You got a problem with that?
Serving you internationally.
Finish smart.
Super simple 90-day planning tool.
Caution: Leads to focus and “internal decluttering.”
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