Loved doing this with, l to r, Kelly Garrett, Julie Waterhouse, Ellissa Jayne, Robin Li, Nathalie Lussier, Alejandra Ortega Sánchez and me, Katie Geddes. Raine Boyd not shown.
AmbitionAlly Certification Team
From our AmbitionAlly certification retreat this past weekend in Dallas, Texas.
Nathalie Lussier and team gave us an unexpected adventure. We went to “Escape Hunt” in Dallas.
Apparently this is a “thing.” We were locked in two “jail” cells with hidden clues. We had an hour to figure out where clues were and find 4 badges, find lock combinations, retrieve clues and solve the puzzle of why we were accused of stealing cattle in an 1800s setting.
What you learn is interesting. Teamwork comes through. Everyone contributes different pieces to the puzzle. One person sees one thing, another something else. Imagination and impulses are followed. Success and failure combine. A cool experience.
Dallas temp was in the 90s. Felt great.