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Strength in Yoga, Flow from Chaturanga into Updog Taught by Ryan Gilly

Yoga Will Make You Strong Like Wonder Woman

Chaturanga is a kind of yoga pushup. You see it in this clip when I bend my elbows and lower down.

My talented personal yoga teacher, Ryan Gilly, taught me how to do a proper Chaturanga in a Vinyasa Flow sequence today. One key is keeping a straight back, which engages core (stomach) muscles. This builds strong triceps (the muscles on the upper outer part of your arms) as well.

Ryan is exceptional in how he explains things. This allows you to do things you thought you couldn’t do. Which then makes you strong and graceful. Which then makes you happy.

He taught me how to feel my pectoral (chest) muscles internally while pulling back up from a pushup. I was then able to do several more pushups when I thought I was spent.

Ryan calls this learning “muscle intelligence.” What’s unique about Ryan is that he knows how to translate details into simple language that makes you capable.

Quite a gift. Quite an experience.