Zip lining on the “Go Ape” adventure trail in Dallas this weekend.

Other segments of this adventure include balancing your way across metal tightropes high above the ground and diving into a giant spider web rope net from across a wide bank. Click logo to see more.

I can’t believe I did this. But I did. We did.

There are interesting metaphors this experience conjures up besides get outside your comfort zone:

  • Starting is the hardest part

  • Don’t limit your idea of what you’re capable of

  • Don’t underestimate your strength

  • Stay focused

  • Your body can guide your mind

I’m grateful for this experience. There’s no way I would have done this on my own because it never would have occurred to me to do it. Also, a year ago I would have been scared physically but now that I’ve been taking yoga religiously, I had confidence in my balance and enough strength to make it through the three hours and five rounds of the course.

I’m grateful that my AmbitionAlly certification leaders included this wild adventure to show me how strong I actually am.

The future is smiling with new opportunities beckoning…

Above: zip lining is at first scary and then feels relaxing.


Above: walking across a wire rope lower to the ground at first and then way up high later on.