”A Butter Way”

One of the campaigns I created — named, wrote the tagline and designed the brand — that’s being featured in the upcoming article in my City Island paper. This was for a weight loss coach who advocated eating butter. Sign me...

Such a great grownup playground we share

Expressing gratitude for our amazing EmbodyFocus Mastermind and participants. We talked about the power of different types of Visualization (from fantastical to practical) and Creativity vs. Conformity (aka Chef vs. Cook) in different parts of your life...

Chef or cook in your own life?

“A chef plays around with raw ingredients to try to make them into something good. By doing this puzzling, a chef eventually writes a new recipe. The other kind of reasoning—reasoning by analogy—happens when you look at the way things are already done and you...


My awesome Swedish client sharing that people are telling her the course I’ve designed for her is stunning! Benjamas’ work is an example of the brilliance happening with entrepreneurs today. Her membership site is at https://bravegenerationacademy.com....

Visualize it real

Visualization is powerful imagination at play. Imagination precedes creation. Use it for your best intentions. “In order to manifest you must assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled. You must be able to feel it in your body long before your senses are aware of...

We grow through the cracks together

Entrepreneurs have a tendency to think we can do everything alone or better ourselves. When you recognize and surround yourself with amazing people, you can do ten times more than you ever thought possible together. Gratitude for exceptional people in my life...

Great take on fake it till you make it

“The Happy Hypocrite” by Max Beerbohm, 1897 This grownup fairytale is tender and profound. Written by great illustrator and writer Max Beerbohm, thanks to our digital world you can read it online, though I highly recommend you buy an old edition, settle in...

EmbodyFocus’ Membership Site is Taking Shape

Hope y’all are having a fantastic, relaxing weekend. I’m deep diving into the creation of the fully functioning AccessAlly membership site for EmbodyFocus for the next round. It’s going to allow for an even fuller experience because all the...

Irish luck to you

Happy St. Paddy’s continued Sending you an enchanted forest, a leprechauns with a pot of gold, and at the very least: green beer… Have a fantastic...

Time to get your blarney on

Happy St. Paddy’s According to legend, kissing the Blarney stone endows the kisser with the “gift of gab” (great eloquence or skill at flattery). The Blarney Stone is a block of limestone built into Blarney Castle in Blarney, near Cork, Ireland. Not sure how...

To know oneself is wisdom

“To know others is knowledge. To know oneself is wisdom.” — Lao-Tze It’s not our job to figure other people out. It’s our job to figure ourselves out. All you have to do with other people is love and accept them. Just the way they are. Just because. Now go...

What world do you want to live in?

We’re exploring this topic in the EmbodyFocus Mastermind — last week and this one coming up going deeper. Your own specific depths of the world you want to live in. It deserves exploration and specificity. This is where we join creativity, imagination and...