
dizzy from your hands
on my sides
go climbing
still snaking
so gently
and turning
heat is building
not knowing

dizzy from your laugh
in my ear
soft caressing
sound is smiling
feels shying
effect entwining
and daring
just living

dizzy from your all
on my skin
delight alighting
moments passing
soul possessing
time defying
heart is gliding
soft aligning

© Katie | Embodyart

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©Designed with love | featured rugs by Embodyart 

Local Color • International Reach

Based in da Bronx. You got a problem with that?

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©Designed with love
featured rugs by Embodyart 

Local Color • International Reach

Based in da Bronx.
You got a problem with that?

Serving you internationally.

Finish smart.

Super simple 90-day planning tool.

Caution: Leads to focus and “internal decluttering.”

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