IN love i am IN love. this is where i am. i am not looking for love. i am not wondering who loves meand who i can love. i am IN love. i am smeared with love and smearing it everywhere i go. it’s not a choice. it’s a revelation, a fact, an embarrassing gorgeous...
grassroots going to my grassrootswhat fears can i lay downthat no longer needto fill my spacemade clear for rest notesto spin their song-filled waysinto long, hot summer dayswhere rain is not sadnessbut cooling offfrom layers that can be shedso skin can feelwhat’s...
dizzy dizzy from your handson my sidesgo climbingstill snakingso gentlyand turningheat is buildingnot knowing dizzy from your laughin my earsoft caressingsound is smilingfeels shyingeffect entwiningand daringjust living dizzy from your allon my skindelight...
until the day we part now my thoughts are laced with youstrewn with your DNAgladly disheveled and paced with youwoven and wrapped your way my focus averted in fits and startsbroken with stabs of your beingi wander amidst small daily tasksand drink in these moments of...
deeper want to travel deeperfeel and be you in herejoin our essence roamingpleasure tongues and moaning riding tall embarkmentblazing big collisionsdaring scary edgesbloody truth provisions strokes of love and trustmuddy, wet and truestaring down the feargliding past...
Policies The following terms and conditions apply to products offered by Embodywear. (For Embodyart, see additional policies.) Shipping Shipping costs are based on weight and are automatically calculated at the best rate when you check out. Payment All major...
Size Chart The following is an estimate of sizing guidelines for all styles. Body Measurements in Inches (approximate) U.S. Bust Waist Hips XS 0–2 31–33 23–25 33–35 S 4–6 33–35 25–27 35–37 M 8–10 35–37 27–29 37–39 L 12–14 37–39 29–31 39–41 XL 16–18 39–41 31–33...
Tasting Menu Choose any 1 “Small Bite” for $598 Choose any 2 “Small Bites” for $998 Click Category Headings for Descriptions Small Bites DESIGN TASTINGS FANCY BUSINESS CARD POPUP LIGHTBOX* FACEBOOK HEADER SET OF 3 OPT-IN CONCEPT & FORM* LANDING PAGE* EMAIL...